All posts by Nancy McCord

Study Suggests Cancer Can ‘Hijack’ Blood Vessels

The medical community has long believed that cancer cells support their growth by generating blood vessels. A study suggests that blood vessels may actually begin the cycle of tumor development.

“Hijacking” Blood Vessels for Tumor Development

According to cancer biologist Dr. Lan Ko, one of the authors of the study, the team found evidence that blood vessels can create tumors. In turn, the cancer cells then produce blood vessels to further sustain their growth.

Researchers focused on GT198, a gene generally found in low levels within the body. It has a natural ability to repair DNA and regulate stem cells, but in mutated form it creates cancer cells.

Pericytes, found in the outer layer of blood vessels, resemble stem cells in the way they can form different types of tissue. During the study, researchers found abnormally high levels of GT198 in pericytes supporting a number of human tumors.

Even more surprising was that the GT198 was located in the pericytes’ cytoplasm instead of the nucleus. This enabled malignant pericytes to multiply into cancer cells and detach from blood vessels to promote spread of the tumors.

Application for Cancer Treatment

As Dr. Ko explained, these results indicate that GT198 is a viable target for immunotherapy for cancer treatments. Further testing will explore use of existing cancer drugs and development of new ones.

Issels® Leads the Way in Immunotherapy for Cancer

While immunotherapy for cancer has become a hot topic among scientists, Issels® has been successfully using our integrative, non-toxic treatments for decades. Contact us for more information about our individually tailored programs.

Clinical Depression – More Serious Than Simple Sadness

Issels® Center for Immuno-Oncology provides state-of-the-art techniques to support and encourage a patient’s immune system to defend against cancer cells. Often times, even though treatment is progressing, cancer patients may experience a feeling of sadness.

The question is if the patient is having random moments of sadness or is clinically depressed. Knowing the difference is important.

Random Moments of Sadness

When you’re feeling sad, it can be for any number of reasons from worry about a health condition to stress of paying medical bills. Being sad doesn’t encompass your feelings for the majority of the time. You’re sad; you work through the issue, find a resolution, talk with friends or family, and continue your normal daily routine. Depression is the exact opposite and a much more serious condition.

Clinical Depression

Studies show that between 15-25 percent of the people who’ve been diagnosed as having cancer are candidates for depression. Some of the signs of depression may seem like sadness but there are differences.

  • Depression is long-term unhappiness
  • Experience excessive tiredness
  • Lack of interest in hobbies and activities
  • Eating routine changes
  • Restless and nervous feelings
  • An obvious change in sleeping habits
  • Lack of concentration
  • Significant change in mental and physical reactions
  • Feeling as if you no longer matter
  • Continued thoughts of the possibility of death
  • Thoughts of suicide

Anti-depressants, exercise, counseling, established routines, and psychotherapy are all ways to deal with depression. If you suffer from any of the listed symptoms, contact your physician to determine a plan of action.

If you need information about the services available at Issels® Center for Immuno-Oncology, contact us by phone or use the online form to submit your request.

Inherited Gene Mutations Can Lead to Family Cancer Syndrome

Some families have two or more members who develop the same type of cancer, leading people to believe that it’s inherited. While it’s not passed along like blond hair or brown eyes, there is a genetic element to cancer than can be shared by family members.

How Cell Mutations Give Rise to Cancer

You already know that genes are responsible for certain physical characteristics like height and eye color, but they also contain information that controls cell function. A mutation is an abnormal change that prevents a gene from working properly.

Cancer results from cells that multiply uncontrollably. While the mutations that cause cancer are usually acquired, some inherited mutations affect tumor suppressor genes that act as traffic cops, regulating cell growth and death.

Is It Coincidence or Family Cancer Syndrome?

These inherited gene mutations can lead to family cancer syndrome, in which several members of a family develop similar types of tumors. Telltale factors of family cancer syndrome include:

• Cancer occurring in multiple generations

• Childhood cancer occurring in siblings

• Cancer occurring at unusually young ages

• Two or more types of cancer occurring in a single person

Many times, several diagnoses of cancer within one family can indeed be pure coincidence. They can also be related to family members being exposed to tobacco smoke or other common risk factors.

Genomic Testing for Personalized Cancer Treatment at Issels®

Since our cancer treatment programs target the tumor microenvironment as well as the cancer itself, we use highly specialized testing to address your specific needs. Visit our website to learn more about our cancer treatment that boosts your body’s own immune responses.

Lack of Trust Leads Breast Cancer Patients to Skip Treatments

Many women do not trust the health care system and will often forgo radiation and drug therapy after breast cancer surgery. That is according to a survey of 2,700 breast cancer patients by researchers at Johns Hopkins University. Lead author of the survey, Lorraine Dean, said over 30 percent skip treatments that are intended to kill any cancer cells that remain after surgery.

Contact Issels® for information on how combining conventional treatments with immunotherapy cancer treatment reduces the likelihood of relapse.

Doctor-patient trust is crucial

Cancer is a devastating disease and it is understandable that patients experience feelings of helplessness. It’s not just women with breast cancer who are losing trust in doctors and the health care system, it’s the general public as well. People often feel that doctors put their own financial interest ahead of patient care. When patients feel their doctors don’t listen to them or take their concerns seriously, trust begins to erode.

For the best possible outcome, it is necessary that doctors and patients have a strong bond of trust. Patients should feel comfortable being fully honest with health care providers and the doctors should always remember that a patient’s trust in them is a vital and necessary component of proper medical care. Each person’s cancer is unique and treatment should be based on the specific needs of each patient.

Personalized cancer treatment

At Issels®, we have been practicing individualized treatment for more than 60 years. We want you to make informed decisions about your cancer treatment options. Contact us today for more information on our autologous (from the patient’s own blood) non-toxic cancer treatment protocols.

Tips On Healthy Living From American Cancer Society

How proactive are you about your health? According to the American Cancer Society, the healthy living tips recommended for patients undergoing cancer treatment can also reduce the risk of developing cancer in the first place.

Good Nutrition and Physical Activity Can Reduce Cancer Risk

According to the World Cancer Research Fund, approximately 20 percent of cancer cases in the United States are connected to poor health habits, including obesity, excessive alcohol consumption, physical inactivity and lack of nutrition.

Here’s a look at how you can start today to reduce your personal cancer risk.

1. Maintain a Healthy Weight

Excess weight puts hormones such as estrogen and insulin into overdrive, which can promote development of tumors. In addition to reducing cancer risk, maintaining a healthy weight prevents or controls diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other issues.

2. Be Physically Active

Exercise involves physical activity performed at a moderate or vigorous intensity. This can include gardening, walking and biking as well as more traditional forms such as sports and weight lifting. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity every week.

3. Follow a Nutritious Diet

– Avoid processed foods.

– Eat at least 2-1/2 cups of fruits and vegetables daily.

– Choose foods that are low in fat, sugar and calories.

– Cut back or eliminate refined carbohydrates in favor of whole-grain products.

– Eat smaller portions.

– Limit your intake of alcohol.

Integrative Cancer Treatment at Issels®

At Issels®, our personally tailored cancer treatment programs combine a number of complementary elements. Contact us to learn why we are the leader in non-toxic, state-of-the-art immunotherapy cancer treatment.

Should Genetic Testing For Cancer Be Expanded?

Lifestyle choices, such as smoking and poor diet, can affect your chances of developing cancer, but some people carry a high risk for the disease in their DNA. The medical community is currently debating whether widespread genetic testing will do more harm than good.

Would Lower-Cost Tests Mean Greater Accessibility?

BRCA-related cancers occur when the genes that produce tumor-preventing proteins mutate to the point where they lose that ability. These genetic changes result in higher risk of breast, prostate, ovarian and pancreatic cancers as well as melanoma.

Testing can normally run into thousands of dollars, making it generally available only via insurance coverage to individuals with a strong family history of cancer. But biotech companies have come up with viable tests that cost less than $500.

When Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing

Experts such as Mary-Claire King, the award-winning geneticist who originally identified the BRCA1 gene, think that the new testing methods should be considered routine like Pap smears and mammograms. Others are not convinced.

Why is caution needed with the new genetic testing?

• Genetics is not a cut-and-dried specialty, and not all variations can be interpreted correctly.

• Some companies sell these tests directly to consumers without clear information about limitations and risks.

At this point, knowing your family history is still the best indicator of a possible genetic link to cancer.

Genomic Testing and Immunotherapy for Cancer

At Issels®, our immunotherapy for cancer treatments are personally developed to allow for individual factors such as genetic predisposition and lifestyle. Visit our website to learn more about our state-of-the-art protocols.