Tag Archives: Cancer And Nutrition

Eating Fish with Omega-3 May Cut Bowel Cancer Risk

Omega 3's Cut Bowel Cancer Risk
Omega 3’s Cut Bowel Cancer Risk

More than 49,000 people in the U.S. will die this year from bowel cancer, making it the second leading cancer-related cause of death among people aged 40+. Exciting new findings from a British research team have shown that Omega-3 fatty acids can drastically reduce the chances of dying from bowel cancer by up to 41%.

Importance of Omega-3

Commonly found in certain fish, this fatty acid appears to have a wide variety of health benefits. Omega-3 tends to lower triglycerides, slow memory loss, reduce inflammation, and even improve symptoms of depression as well as ADHD in both children and adults.

Immunotherapy for Cancer and Other Treatments

The amount of research going into cancer treatment is great news for those at risk of developing cancer in their lifetime. Immunotherapy for cancer is experiencing multiple breakthroughs every year, and studies into Omega-3s and other natural remedies are picking up steam. A cure still seems elusive, but cancer patients have seen enormous quality of life improvements over the past two decades.

What Do Omega-3 Supplements Mean in the Long-term?

They mean that while your risk of dying from bowel cancer may go down significantly, they do not seem to help prevent cancer from forming. As you age, your body loses its ability to properly rid itself of cancerous cells before they turn into a problem. While this research is promising, there’s still a lot of work to be done in analyzing the relationship between Omega-3 fatty acids and cancer.

Issels® has been helping individuals with cancer develop personalized treatment plans for the last 60 years. Let our decades of experience work for you.


5 Nutrition Tips for Cancer Patients

Eat Healthy And Avoid Metabolic Stress
Nutrition and Cancer

Caring for yourself is an important part of coping with cancer. When you eat the right foods, your body gets the nutrients and energy it needs. Some types of cancer treatments can make it hard for you to eat as you normally would, though. The following cancer care tips can help ensure that you’re able to eat healthy during treatment.

Limit Certain Kinds of Fruits

Eat smaller amounts of fruits with high levels of fructose, such as apples and melons, since your small intestine might have trouble digesting these. Focus on eating fruits with lower levels of fructose, such as berries and bananas.

Cook or Blend Vegetables

Raw vegetables with fiber can be hard to digest. Don’t limit these vegetables, but make sure you either blend them to make a smoothie or cook them. Cooking or blending them makes it easier for your body to digest them.

Be Cautious With Dairy

Some cancer treatments can make you lactose intolerant, although this doesn’t last. Eat small amounts of dairy at a time, and watch for signs of intolerance, such as bloating and gas.

Add Ginger

Ginger can help soothe an upset stomach in those undergoing cancer treatments. Ask your doctor about taking a ginger supplement, or put a small amount of ground ginger in tea.

Avoid Fried Foods

Fried foods that contain a lot of fat can be difficult for your digestive system to handle. Fill up on cooked vegetables and whole grains instead.

Nutrition is just one part of caring for yourself while dealing with cancer. For more help with feeling healthier, contact Issels® for information on personalized non-toxic cancer treatments, such as immunotherapy.

The Tough Questions – Can I Live with Cancer?

Can I Live With Cancer?
Can I Live With Cancer?

Cancer statistics can seem encouraging when talking about advancements made in early detection and new treatments. The same statistics are devastating when you or a loved one has been diagnosed and you are reading about the number of lives lost to various types of cancer. At Issels® Integrative Immuno-Oncology, we understand that each person’s cancer is due to different causes and conditions. Treatment should be highly personalized and recovery depends on many factors.

Living with cancer

The American Cancer Society says that cancers like ovarian cancer, leukemia, and some types of lymphoma often don’t go completely away. The same is true of cancers that spread to other parts of the body, such as prostate cancer and breast cancer. These cancers can be treated and reduced, but the treatment is an ongoing maintenance treatment prevent spreading and stopping the cancer from growing. It is not accurate to say the cancer is cured.

Disease management and emotional growth

Living with this disease is often the biggest challenge most people will ever face. Treatment schedules disrupt your routines and take both a financial and physical toll. Many people suddenly find themselves no longer in the roll of caregiver, but instead, needing the care, support, and understanding of others. It is important to seek out others going through similar circumstances. Living with cancer has a way of building strong bonds among people who hardly know one another. It can also make it easier to express affection and appreciation for people close to you.

Contact Issels® Integrative Immuno-Oncology to see all of your available treatment options. We combine treatment with improving the quality of life for our patients.

Nutrition and Cancer Treatment – The Connection

Proper Nutrition
Proper Nutrition

Among the many issues cancer patients must deal with on a daily basis, proper nutrition is at the top of the priority list. Whether patients are in the initial stages of cancer, advanced stages, or in remission, maintaining a balanced diet is important for many reasons including avoiding malnutrition.

Benefits of Nutrition Therapy

According to the National Cancer Institute, the list below explains the importance of proper nutrition.

  • A balanced diet helps deter or eliminate nutrient deficiencies in patients that can help in the healing and/or recovery process
  • Helps patients maintain energy levels and body strength
  • A proper diet helps maintain a leaner body mass and supports the immune system
  • Patients maintaining nutritional balance have a stronger body composition when undergoing treatments
  • A stronger body due to nutrition management stands a better chance of less infections
  • Overall, good nutrition in cancer patients and recovering patients enhances the their quality of life

Advanced Stage

Patients in the advanced stages of cancer may not be able to achieve weight gain but proper nutrition helps in other ways.

  • Good nutrition helps in reducing the risk of infection
  • Side effects from treatments may be reduced
  • Patients experiencing weakness may see an improvement
  • With reduced side effects through proper nutrition, patients may have an increased comfort level


Lessening the chances of a recurrence of the disease for those in remission or who have been cured is supported by maintaining the right diet. Proper nutrition may also help individuals avoid other illnesses including hypertension, diabetes and heart disease.

If you have questions for yourself or for a loved one about nutrition and cancer treatment, contact Issels® Integrative Oncology Centers.