Tag Archives: Cancer Tips

Where Your Body Stores Fat May Predict Where You May Get Cancer

Where You Store Fat is Important
Where You Store Fat is Important

Excess weight has long been recognized as a risk factor for developing cancer. According to a recent study published in the British Journal of Cancer, where body fat is carried can be another indicator of obesity-related cancer risk.

Body Shape Can Increase Cancer Risk

The study, conducted by scientists at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization, were the first to compare adult body measurements in a standardized way. Data was obtained from 43,000 participants, 1,600 of whom had been diagnosed with an obesity-related cancer, and who were observed over an average of 12 years.

Results showed that an additional four inches added to the waistline equated to a 13 percent increase in the risk for obesity-related cancers. More significantly, adding three inches to the hips can boost the risk of bowel cancer by 15 percent.

How Can Obesity Cause Cancer?

Obesity is the second largest preventable cause of cancer behind smoking. Excess body fat alters the level of sex hormones, triggering an increase in production of insulin, ultimately leading to inflammation. All three factors have been linked to an increased risk of cancer.

Dr. Heinz Freisling, lead author of the study, explains that further investigation is needed to explore the connection between cancer and fat carried around the midsection, but results indicate that body shape should be considered along with body mass index (BMI) when evaluating cancer risk.

Non-Toxic, Integrative Cancer Treatment for All Ages at Issels®

Our individually developed cancer treatment programs have been successful with people of all ages and all forms of cancer. Contact us for more information.

Tips for Young Adults on Caring for a Parent with Cancer

Group of college students leaning on banister
Young Adults Can Help Parents When They Have Cancer.

Young adulthood is an exciting time of establishing independence, starting a career and finding romance. Becoming a caregiver for a parent with cancer is a major responsibility that may curtail some of these activities, but it can also strengthen your familial bond.

Here are some tips for finding balance between your caregiver role and your personal life.

  • Set aside time when you can sit down and talk to your parent without being rushed or interrupted. Discuss their medical wishes, including possible alternative cancer treatments. Establish plans for financial management, care visits and any other pertinent issues.
  • After the discussion, use the information to create a master task list. Enlist the support of siblings, family members and close friends to help out where needed.
  • Schedule a meeting with your parent’s health care team to get the facts about your parent’s illness. He or she should be present as well to approve release of protected medical information.
  • Make sure your contact information is kept in your parent’s file. You should also keep a list of doctors, pharmacists and anyone else involved in your parent’s treatment.
  • Don’t feel obligated to give up your personal life. Spending time with friends and participating in your favorite activities reduces your stress level, allowing you to be a better caregiver.
  • Join a support group to get encouragement and advice from others who are or have been in your shoes.

The non-toxic alternative cancer treatments at Issels® focus on harnessing the body’s natural immune response to fight cancer. If you, your parent or another loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, contact us for more information.

Tips for Beating Fatigue Triggered by Cancer Treatment

Talk to Your Care Team About Fatigue
Talk to Your Care Team About Fatigue

Fighting cancer is a full-time job that consumes every available bit of your energy. While your treatment is designed to assist you, it can intensify your feelings of fatigue. Lack of energy seeps into your emotional state, making it difficult to maintain a positive attitude.

You don’t have to resign yourself to feeling tired. Enlist the help of your support network in following these suggestions to rebuild your stores of energy.

• Let your healthcare provider know about your fatigue. He has experience dealing with the situation so he can offer ideas that have successfully helped other patients.

• Exercise may sound counterintuitive, but it’s a great way to boost your energy along with your strength and emotional state of mind. It doesn’t have to be a formal workout. A short walk or any other physical activity is beneficial.

• Follow a nutritional diet to keep your system in balance and build your strength.

• If you are having difficulty sleeping at night, spend time relaxing before you go to bed. Make your room as comfortable as possible and follow a regular sleeping schedule so your body adapts.

• Cancer treatment can make you feel isolated and alone. If you haven’t already, join a support group. Knowing that others have experienced similar fatigue is comforting.

• Sometimes you just have to accommodate your tiredness and take a rest. After a while you’ll find a balance and know when to keep going and when to relax.

Our healthcare providers consider fatigue and other factors of your individual case to personalize your course of treatment. Contact us to learn more about the resources we offer to help you win your fight.

February 4th is World Cancer Day

Today is World Cancer Day.
Today is World Cancer Day.

Some catastrophic events cast dark shadows long before they occur. A cancer diagnosis frequently comes like a thunderbolt on a cloudless day. It can strike any person of any station in life and at any age. At Issels® Integrative Immuno-Oncology, we have more than 60 years experience successfully treating cancer patients. Join with us by participating in World Cancer Day 2015 as we celebrate cancer treatment  successes, continue striving for further advancements in research, and educate others on the importance of healthy living and early cancer detection.

Not beyond us

This year’s tag line reminds us all that cancer is “not beyond us” and that we should remain vigilant in our fight against this deadly disease. In the United States, cancer is second only to cardiovascular disease as the leading cause of deaths. According to the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), more than 50 percent of the cancer related deaths that will occur this year could have been prevented. Tobacco use is the leading cause.

What can you do?

The earlier in life you adopt a healthy lifestyle, the lower your risk of developing cancer. Protect yourself from this and other non communicable diseases by not using any form of tobacco, keeping any alcohol consumption to a minimum, maintaining a healthy diet, and getting plenty of exercise. The financial and emotional toll of treating cancer far outweighs the effort and investment required to implement preventive behaviors into your life.

To stay updated on the latest cancer screening methods and to learn more about our non-toxic immunotherapy treatments, visit the Issels® Integrative Immuno-Oncology website and sign up for our free e-Newsletter.


How to Help a Friend with Cancer

Lend a Hand to Friends With Cancer
Lend a Hand to Friends With Cancer

When learning that a friend has cancer, most people will offer to help. But as heartfelt as their friend’s offer of aid may be, cancer patients are often reluctant to call and ask for help. A friend’s vague offer of “Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help” may be heartfelt; but it’s a hollow promise if not backed by action.

The best way to help a friend with cancer is to consider the type of help you can realistically provide. This will allow you to make a specific offer of help; such as: ”I can shop for groceries on Tuesday evening” or “I’m free on Fridays to drive you to chemo.” Then follow through by calling a few days beforehand to pick up her grocery list or get her chemo appointment on your calendar. By specifically defining your offer to help, you reassure your friend that accepting your offer will not place an uncomfortable burden on your other responsibilities and allow her to accept your offer without guilt.

If you want to help a friend with cancer, offer to do things that will make life easier for your friend or will make life feel more normal for her family. Consider these additional ways to help:

• Take children to music lessons and soccer practices

• Babysit young children one or two mornings or afternoons a week

• Pick up prescriptions

• Mow the lawn, rake leaves, shovel snow or weed the garden

• Send over a prepared dinner • Help your friend research alternative cancer treatment centers.

Next time: More ways to help friends with cancer