Tag Archives: Mexican Research

Big Pharma Roadblocks Hinder Integrative Cancer Treatment

Conventional Medicine is Not the Answer
Conventional Medicine is Not the Answer

One of the things that makes cancer so difficult to treat is its ability to adapt. Recurrence is not uncommon when standard cancer treatment methods, particularly chemotherapy, are used. As explained in our previous post, cancer cells have an uncanny ability to develop a resistance to chemotherapy drugs which can allow cancer to return.

Value of Integrative Treatment

Cancer researchers are finally coming to the conclusion reached decades ago by renowned German cancer specialist Dr. Josef Issels, the founder of Issels Integrative Oncology: Treating cancer effectively requires an integrative approach that combines multiple treatment protocols. Ridding the body of cancer and driving it into long-term remission requires a multi-pronged attack that must be individualized to meet the specific needs of each patient.

Big Pharma Roadblocks

While alternative cancer treatment centers offer numerous beneficial integrative cancer therapies, Western medicine’s current approach to integrative cancer treatment is heavily drug based. Not only is the approach limiting; but, as Dr. Carlos Moreno of Emory University recently criticized on Reuters.com, Big Pharma roadblocks are hindering the development of integrative drug therapies.

Profits vs. Patients

Combining drugs into “cancer cocktails” and treating cancer with drugs approved to treat other conditions has shown early promise. But these approaches require cooperation from drug companies, most of which have so far been unwilling to put patients ahead of profits, Moreno complains.

Issels Puts Patients First

As Moreno points out, cancer patients don’t have time to wait for researchers and drug companies to resolve their differences. Integrative immunotherapy offers an immediate and effective alternative. Issels non-toxic cancer vaccine program is not forced to rely on the largesse of drug companies. Our autologous cancer vaccines are prepared from the patient’s own blood to enhance the body’s natural ability to fight cancer. Visit our website to learn more about integrative immunotherapy.

Mexican Research Supports Alternative Cancer Treatment for Lung Cancer

Alternative Lung Cancer Treatment
Alternative Lung Cancer Treatment

New lung cancer research being conducted in Mexico appears to parallel alternative cancer treatments developed by Issels Integrative Oncology and in use at our Alternative Cancer Treatment Centers for years. According to EurasiaReview.com, researchers at Mexico’s National Institute of Respiratory Diseases are working on developing a lung cancer treatment that would use the patient’s own blood to boost immune system function. We are naturally pleased to see other cancer researchers following in our footprints.

A key component of our well-established integrative immunotherapy cancer treatment program, Issels’ cutting-edge, non-toxic autologous cancer vaccines are cultured from the patient’s own blood. Using the patient’s blood both maximizes immune system response and, because nothing foreign is being introduced into the body, removes the issue of toxicity that creates so many problems for chemotherapy and radiation patients.

“We are developing at the lab a system of cell activation from the patient’s own blood so it can eliminate its tumors,” the institute’s lead researcher, Patricia Gorocica, told Eurasia Review. Gorocica and her team are part of a growing movement in Western medicine that now shares our view that the future of cancer treatment lays within the body’s immune system. For more than 60 years, Issels has been a leader in the use of individualized immunotherapy to fight cancer. It is gratifying to find increasing recognition of our core treatment values.

The Institute’s push for new lung cancer treatments has been spurred by an uptick in worldwide lung cancer rates which researchers believe may be related as much to increased pollution particulate and smoke from burning timber and coal as cigarette smoking, particularly in developing countries.

For more information on autologous cancer vaccines alternative cancer treatments, and supporting research, visit our website.