Tag Archives: Improving Nutrition

Nutrition Tips for Multiple Myeloma Patients

Nutrition Tips for Multiple Myeloma Patients
Nutrition Tips for Multiple Myeloma Patients

When plasma cells in the blood become cancerous and form several tumors, the result is known as multiple myeloma. Nutritional diet choices, in conjunction with cancer immunotherapy, can help relieve symptoms and prevent recurrence of this form of tumors.

Rebuilding the Blood Supply

Plasma cells are one of the body’s primary weapons against bacteria and other invaders. When they become cancerous, it can trigger anemia, leaving the body vulnerable to infections.

Best Dietary Choices for Multiple Myeloma

Anemia generally goes hand-in-hand with iron, folate and vitamin B-12 deficiencies, causing fatigue and weakness when the body’s energy stores are already depleted.

– Heme iron, from animal-based foods, is more readily absorbed by the body. Liver and other red meats are rich sources of heme iron, while non-heme iron can be found in beans, nuts and leafy greens such as spinach.

– Folate is a form of vitamin B that’s involved in production of red and white blood cells. Increase folate intake with asparagus, beef liver, broccoli, spinach and beans cooked from their dried forms.

– Vitamin B-12 teams up with folate to make red blood cells. Good sources of B-12 include fish, beef, poultry (including eggs) and dairy. Several brands of breakfast cereals and non-dairy milks are fortified with B-12.

Some multiple myeloma patients end up with a vitamin D deficiency after cancer immunotherapy. Sunlight is a great source of natural vitamin D, while food sources include tuna, egg yolks and fortified dairy products.

Cancer Immunotherapy: A Comprehensive Form of Treatment

Our individually developed, non-toxic cancer treatment programs include a nutritional component to correct imbalances and reduce metabolic stress. Contact Issels® for more information.

Prevent Colon Cancer with Our Protective Diet Tips

Prevent Colon Cancer with Our Protective Diet Tips
Prevent Colon Cancer with Our Protective Diet Tips

The best cancer treatment can take place without even being diagnosed with the disease. Be proactive with diet and lifestyle changes to reduce your chances of developing colon cancer.

Tips to Prevent Colon Cancer

Dr. Charles Fuchs is the director of Yale Cancer Center. He recently appeared on local TV to promote Colon Cancer Awareness Month by offering these helpful tips to lower your risk:

– According to a recent Yale study, eating nuts can reduce the risk of colon cancer recurrence. More than 800 colon cancer patients completed a questionnaire about diet and lifestyle, and the responses showed that those who ate nuts regularly had a corresponding increase in their chances of a cure.

– Maintain a healthy weight. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported that obesity-related cancers account for approximately 40 percent of all cancer diagnoses in the U.S. Limiting the amount of red meat in your diet can make a big difference.

– Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Smoking is the leading preventable cause of cancer, and according to the National Cancer Institute, even moderate drinking is associated with a higher risk of colorectal cancer.

Exercise regularly. Scientists believe physical activity can reduce the amount of time that harmful compounds are in the gastrointestinal tract.

– Get screened for colon cancer. Doctors recommend that adults 50 and over receive a colonoscopy every 10 years.

Integrative Cancer Treatment at Issels®

Nutritional immunotherapy is only one component of our integrative cancer treatment programs. Contact us to learn more about our comprehensive non-toxic therapies that boost the ability of your body’s own immune system to fight cancer.

Cancer Treatment: Foods to Avoid While in Treatment

Cancer Treatment: Foods to Avoid While in Treatment
Cancer Treatment: Foods to Avoid While in Treatment-

When you undergo cancer treatment, chances are good that side effects such as nausea and mouth sores will cause your taste buds to change. Your overall health can also be affected by the nutritional choices you make.

Many types of cancer treatments can weaken your immune system, even after they’re over. As a result, your body is vulnerable to food-borne bacteria and viruses that otherwise might not affect you.

Here are foods you should avoid during and after treatment to reduce the risk of food poisoning, even if they haven’t caused problems in the past.


– Smoked fish

– Raw or undercooked beef and seafood, including sushi and sashimi

– Raw, unpasteurized eggs and items such as raw cookie dough that are made with raw eggs

– Undercooked eggs, including soft-boiled, over-easy and poached

– Soft cheeses made from unpasteurized milk, such as Brie, feta and goat cheese

– Deli salads made with chicken, eggs, seafood or ham

– Cold hot dogs or cold deli meat, which should always be cooked until steaming hot

– Refrigerated paté


– Fresh fruits and vegetables that have not been washed

– Unpasteurized fruit juice or cider

– Raw sprouts

If you’re uncertain about any food items, don’t take chances. Talk to your healthcare team before consuming any questionable products.

Personalized Cancer Treatment from Issels®

Our individually tailored treatment programs are designed to boost the effectiveness of your body’s immune system. In addition, our immunotherapy doesn’t have the debilitating side effects that often accompany traditional forms of cancer treatment.

Contact us for more information about our cancer vaccines and other treatments we have been successfully using for decades.

Cancer Treatment: Food Safety Tips After Treatment

Cancer Treatment: Food Safety Tips After Treatment
Cancer Treatment: Food Safety Tips After Treatment

Even after successful cancer treatment, your body is not at full strength. It may be more difficult for your immune system to fight foodborne illness than it was before treatment.

Use these tips to reduce the risk of food poisoning both during and after immunotherapy and other cancer treatment programs.

1. Practice “Safe Shopping”

– Don’t buy food products stored or displayed in areas that appear unsanitary.

– Don’t buy produce with bruises or other visible damage.

– Don’t buy cans that are dented or showing bulges.

2. Follow Careful Prep and Clean-Up Methods

– Rinse and dry all fresh fruits and vegetables.

– Wipe the tops of cans thoroughly before opening.

Wash hands with soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds before and after prep. Use the same method to clean all dishes and utensils.

– Disinfect cutting boards and kitchen surfaces using a mixture of one teaspoon of unscented liquid bleach with a quart of water.

3. Watch Food Temperatures

– Always use a food thermometer with meat and poultry to make sure products are sufficiently cooked.

– Perishable foods should be refrigerated or frozen within two hours of buying or cooking, and even more quickly during periods of hot weather.

– Thaw frozen food in the refrigerator and cook immediately afterwards.

Nutritional Immunotherapy at Issels®

Scientists have found a link between poor nutrition and cancer development. Our individualized cancer treatment programs include methods to restore nutritional balance and promote optimum functioning of the immune system.

Contact us to learn more about nutritional immunotherapy and other integrative immunotherapy programs at Issels®.


Poor Diet May Raise the Risk for Lung Cancer

Eating During Cancer Treatment
Improving Your Diet

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, smoking is the number one cause of preventable disease in the United States, and the link between smoking and cancer of the lung has been well-established for decades. Now researchers are finding that diet can also increase the risk of developing lung cancer.

Can carbohydrates lead to cancer?

Glycemic index (GI) measures how much a food’s carbohydrate content raises blood sugar. GI is used by diabetics to manage their diet, and it’s been studied as a possible factor in several types of cancer, such as colorectal, stomach and ovarian.

A research team at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston questioned a group of people recently diagnosed with lung cancer about their eating habits, income and other lifestyle factors. Results were compared to a control group of people without the disease.

Data shows that people who reported eating many foods with a high GI were 50 percent more likely to be in the group with lung cancer. Surprisingly, non-smokers with a high GI diet were found to be twice as likely to have the cancer as smokers with similar eating habits.

How high GI foods increase cancer risk

While doctors are not yet sure what drives the connection, they suspect it may have to do with high GI foods raising the body’s insulin production, which affects cell growth. These insulin-like growth factors (IGF) may in turn fuel the uncontrolled cell growth that leads to cancer.

Non-toxic immunotherapy treatments used at Issels® have been used successfully in patients with all types of cancer, including lung, breast and colon. Contact us for more information.