Category Archives: Immunotherapy

Holiday Eating Tips for Cancer Patients

Holiday Eating
Holiday Eating

Just like there are some friends and family that you only see in person during the holidays, there are many beloved snacks, treats, and entrees that are holiday traditions. At Issels® Integrative Immuno-Oncology, we understand how a cancer diagnosis can disrupt every aspect of your life. But you can still celebrate that life and the holidays with loved ones. Keep these eating tips in mind as you enjoy the festivities.

  • Talk to your doctor about whether it is ok for you to drink alcohol. Complete abstinence is sometimes easier than moderation.
  • The same is true for many food items. Eat some healthy snacks before you leave your house to head toward a dinner or other gathering. You will find it much easier to avoid the temptation of decadent culinary creations.
  • Most get-togethers have a buffet. The American Cancer Society recommends you select items from the inside of the table and away from the edge. The area out of reach of small hands is less likely to have germs.
  • Be mindful of which items you can eat before you start filling your plate.
  • Take it slow and have small portions. This will prevent that lethargic feeling of being overfull.

Many holiday favorites will overwhelm a sensitive stomach. Try to avoid anything with heavy cream, gravy, or a mayonnaise base. You may have a weakened immune system and be more vulnerable to food-borne sickness. Avoid undercooked foods such as sushi, dishes with mayonnaise, and anything that may have raw eggs.

We continue to make progress in the fight against cancer. To stay informed on the latest cancer treatment breakthroughs and to get more health and nutrition tips, sign up for our e-newsletter.

Can Your Body Be Trained to Cure Its Own Cancer?

Can You Train To Fight Cancer?
Can You Train To Fight Cancer?

For decades, cancer patients have been limited to a trio of treatment options. While surgery, chemotherapy and radiation have their effectiveness, they also have serious drawbacks that can compromise quality of life. Continued research in the area of immunotherapy is uncovering its power to fight cancer naturally while preserving the body’s healthy cells.

The exciting concept behind immunotherapy is that uses the power of the body’s own immune system to essentially treat itself. Unlike chemotherapy, the immune system is more adaptive and able to distinguish between healthy tissue and invaders such as cancer cells. Consider the example of childhood vaccines, which remain effective over time thanks to the immune system’s memory.

One of the biggest breakthroughs came in a 2013 study conducted by Bristol-Myers Squibb. A group of 52 melanoma patients was treated with one approved and one experimental drug. Nearly one-third experienced rapid and deep tumor regression. As study leader Dr. Jedd Wolchok observed, “We have spent several decades in cancer research learning better ways to treat the tumor. Now we are learning how to treat the patient.”

Dr. David Maloney has been working on targeted cancer therapies since he was a student at Stanford in the early 1980s. He’s currently focused on a procedure wherein a patient is infused with his own T-cells that have been harvested and genetically re-engineered to become better cancer “drones”. He cites the benefit of immunotherapy as a move away from a “one-size-fits-all” approach to customized treatments.

For more than 60 years, Issels has been on the forefront of integrative immuno-oncology treatments. Visit our website to read and hear first-hand testimonials from our patients.

Cancer Has Been Linked to Popular Menopause Medication

Cancer Linked To Menopause Medication
Cancer Linked To Menopause Medication

Two new studies appear to have decided the debate over whether there is a causal link between cancer and menopause hormone therapy. The answer is YES.

Menopause Drug Linked to Cancer

In recent cancer news, a Canadian Cancer Society report concludes that a popular estrogen-based menopause drug has caused breast cancer in thousands of Canadian women.

As reported in The Star, the report states: “The body of evidence to date overwhelmingly points to a causal connection between the use of Premplus and the development of invasive breast cancer in women.”

The report has sparked a Canadian class-action lawsuit against the drug’s manufacturer, Wyeth Canada. Owned by U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, Wyeth has denied that Premplus causes breast cancer, stating that the medication is “safe and effective when used as directed.” A Vancouver court will hear the lawsuit in October.

HRT Doubles Cancer Risk

In corroborating cancer news, a large federal study in the U.S. has found that menopause hormone replacement therapy (HRT) medications double breast cancer risk when taken for five years. In women taking estrogen and progestin pills, cancer risk increased in just two years.

However, halting hormone replacement therapy returned cancer risk levels to normal in about two years. Given study findings, researchers believe breast cancer risk would not increase for most women if hormone replacement therapy was stopped within three years.

“It’s an excellent message for women: You can still diminish risk (by quitting), even if you’ve been on hormones for a long time,” Dr. Claudine Isaacs of Georgetown University told The Star.

Issels integrative immunotherapy offers personalized non-toxic treatments for breast and other cancers. Contact us for information about integrative oncology.

September Cancer News Roundup

Cancer News Round Up
Cancer News Round Up

Everyday, doctors and scientists uncover exciting breakthroughs and hopeful insights for improved cancer treatment. Here’s a look at some of the latest highlights of cancer news:

Integrative Methods Becoming Mainstream

Patients with advanced forms of cancer and those struggling with the side effects of traditional medicine treatments increasingly turn to integrative methods. CURE Magazine recently profiled the cases of patients who have received Eastern-style therapy and other complementary methods, pointing out the difference between unproven medical care and accepted forms of holistic cancer treatment.

Vitamin D Holds Promise for Skin Cancer

Research from the University of Connecticut suggests that vitamin D may hold the key to creating new drugs for skin cancer treatment.

Making Medicine from Bee Venom

Scientists separating the components of honeybee toxins believe that the proteins and peptides present in bee venom may be able to treat breast cancer cells.

Sigmoidoscopy Effective for Colon Cancer Screenings

The flexible sigmoidoscope, a shorter and thinner alternative to the colonoscope, has been found effective as a colorectal cancer screening tool by researchers in Norway. The device, which is thinner and shorter than the colonoscope, can help doctors detect polyps and remove them immediately with an instrument inside the scope.

Getting Creative with Fundraising

While the “ice bucket challenge” has brought the spotlight on ALS, many people have started getting creative with ways to raise money for cancer research. The Canadian Cancer Society’s “Fearless Challenge” has participants accepting dares and facing fears in exchange for contributions—one person promises to cover his body with tarantulas for $5,000 in donations, for example.

Do you have questions about something you’ve heard in the news? Get in touch with Issels to discuss the latest knowledge on cancer treatments available.

The Tough Questions – Should I Pursue Chemotherapy?

Alternative Cancer Treatment
Alternative Cancer Treatment

Chemotherapy is the double-edged sword many cancer patients dread. Patients are told they must undergo chemotherapy to save their lives, but the side effects of chemo can be so traumatic that patients frequently wonder if life with chemo is worth living. Many of these patients are finding that alternative cancer treatments can offer similar results without chemotherapy’s devastating side effects.

Chemo’s Toll on the Body

The problem with chemotherapy is that it cannot discriminate between cancerous and healthy cells. Inside your body, chemo’s toxic chemicals target fast-growing cells, both cancerous and healthy. In the process, many healthy cells are killed or damaged.

Chemotherapy’s impact on the body can be felt from head to toe, as Healthline’s infographic illustrates. From hair loss and chemo brain to sexual dysfunction and infertility to swollen feet and extreme fatigue, chemotherapy’s side effects are as dreaded as the disease it is designed to treat.

Pain without Gain

What makes the decision to undergo chemotherapy even more difficult for cancer patients is the lack of guarantee that the suffering will retard their cancer. Both patients and cancers can develop resistance to chemotherapy, making it an ineffective treatment choice. When traditional medicine fails to offer patients alternative treatment options, they are forced to suffer for nothing.

Alternatives to Chemo

Integrative immunotherapy offers alternatives to chemotherapy that work with the body to fight cancer. Using non-toxic targeted therapies, immunotherapy enhances the body’s natural ability to fight off disease without toxic side effects.

Choosing a cancer treatment program is a personal decision to discuss with your doctor and family, but there are options to chemotherapy. Visit our website to learn more about integrative immunotherapy.

Immunotherapy Explained

Immunotherapy Explained
Immunotherapy Explained

Integrative immunotherapy uses the power of the immune system in order to fight cancer, mobilizing your entire immune system in order to give your defenses the upper hand.

Immunotherapy is different
While traditional cancer therapies such as drugs and radiation kill both healthy cells and cancerous cells, causing a variety of side effects, immunotherapy…

  • Benefits a multitude of cancer types.
  • Promotes the growth of healthy cells, selectively killing cancer.
  • Is powerful, attacking cancer systemically – throughout your whole body.
  • Creates few to no side effects.

Types of immunotherapy
Immunotherapy fights cancer in one or two ways, by stimulating your immune system as a whole to attack cancer, or by giving you specific immune system components, such as man-made or lab grown immune  proteins, providing more targeted therapy. Immunotherapy may also be referred to as biologic or biotherapy.   

Key players starring in your immunotherapy arsenal include:

  • Dendritic Cells
    Intelligence agents alerting your immune system and strategizing attacks against cancer.
  • CD4 & Helper T-Cells
    Commandants directing and coordinating the cancer response.
  • B-Cells
    Munitions factories churning out antibodies.
  • CD8 & Killer T-Cells
    The assassins of cancer cells.
  • Cytokines
    Communicate and help coordinate attacks.
  • Antibodies
    Ammunition, seeking out and binding to cancer cells to mark them for attack.
  • Regulatory T-Cells
    Checks and balances your immune system, preventing damage to healthy cells.

The future of cancer therapy is happening now
In the last few decades, immunotherapy has become an important part of many cancer treatments. It is expected to be a key player in the future of cancer therapy, with many new treatments under study.

Want to learn more about the future of cancer therapy what immunotherapy has to offer you? Contact Issels today.